The title is actually from a book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, the book talks about men and women in different aspects of life. I am just listing few interesting ideology among men.
- Color PINK : This is indeed an interesting topic, I have seen enough articles and TV serials which portrays wearing a pink color shirt/t-shirt is considered to be homosexual. If it was color for homosexuality then it should be global code right? I mean if white stands for peace,black stands for mourning, then pink should be made global homosexual color for both the sexes. Strangely, if you just Google about the topic, most of the people feel(including girls) that wearing pink is manly! to put it in their words “Real men wear PINK”. If that is so then why the controversy? Just cause almost 99.99% of the girl love “PINK”. I am just guessing “a girlfriend” said to “her boyfriend” don’t wear pink it is girly and the torch of wisdom was passed on
- Shopping: Ok, when was the last time you heard a guy say “Dude, are you free on Sunday? can we go shopping for the whole day?” or a guy say “I just love shopping”. Or even you have heard a guy say it, I am sure a thought flashed in your mind “he is so girly!”. For guys, shopping just counts for an hour or two and it is just accompanied with the dialogue “I hate shopping!!”. Agreed, you don’t want to stand in the crowd, but aren’t we the one paying for it and getting a good product is fine right?
Again which population loves shopping? I’ll leave the answer to you
- CRYing: Men aren’t supposed to cry
of course I might just be exaggerating but this is a common belief/saying. If you see a boy crying, you definitely hear his mother say “Men don’t cry!”. It is just unfair, men have same emotional factors/elements as women!
I strongly believe that men are capable of not thinking!